
Liquid provides customized identity verification services tailored to the specific needs of various industries.
For more detailed information regarding our support offering, please feel free to contact us.


Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation

Our contribution to the Personal Data Trust Bank has enhanced the reliability of aggregated data.

Introduction points:

  • Identity verification can now be completed online by users of the Information Bank, thereby enhancing convenience.
  • We have been able to enhance the reliability of aggregated data.


We have achieved a secure and safe environment for gaming.

Introduction points:

  • We were able to provide our users with a secure and safe environment for gaming.
  • The system has resulted in the implementation of security measures, including the identification of users and prevention of identity theft, particularly in emergency situations.
Sharing Economy

Peace Tec Lab, Inc

It has been helpful in preventing disputes between individuals.

Introduction points:

  • We have built a safe and secure transaction environment for all users.
  • Although there were previously restrictions on lending high-value items, it is now possible to lend without any monetary restrictions.

Eureka, Inc.

We have implemented measures to prevent impersonation and ensure a safer and more secure experience for your use.

Introduction points:

  • We have been able to build a secure amd safe transaction environment for all users.
  • By utilizing authenticity verification to determine whether someone is a genuine human or not, we have ensured their existence and further enhanced the safety measures.


We have achieved a secure and safe gaming environment.

Introduction points:

  • We were able to provide our users with a secure and safe gaming environment.
  • Our security measures, including user identification during emergencies and prevention of impersonation, contributed to maintaining a secure environment.

Please feel free to contact us at anytime
for further information or assistance.


Liquid with the No.1

share in Japan for
five consecutive years can help you!