IC chip-based verifications, including JPKI, grow 1.8-fold in one year to exceed 14 million
Liquid Inc., a member of the ELEMENTS Group, is pleased to announce that on January 18th, the cumulative number of identity verifications performed through its online identity verification service, “LIQUID eKYC,” has surpassed 60 million. Furthermore, verifications leveraging the IC chip found in My Number Cards and driver’s licenses—including those using Japan Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI)—have grown 1.8-fold over the past year, bringing the cumulative total of IC chip-based verifications to over 14 million.

“LIQUID eKYC” is a service that completes identity verification online by photographing identification documents or reading IC chips and matching them with self portraits, or by using public personal identification (JPKI). The service is characterized by a low withdrawal rate and low percentage of unclear images during the process, as well as high accuracy of automatic face recognition by using biometric and image processing technologies.
The industries where the system has been introduced include finance, mobile communication, second-hand shops, sharing economy-related services, matching applications, crypto asset trading services, and Web3-related services such as blockchain game guild services. In particular, following the June 2024 Crime Prevention Cabinet meeting on “Comprehensive Measures to Protect the Public from Fraud” (Note 1), the use of IC chip-based identity verification—such as with driver’s licenses and My Number Cards—has been on the rise in situations where identity verification is legally required.
To address this demand, Liquid offers an environment that makes IC chip-based identity verification more accessible for both businesses and users. This includes solutions like the “IC Omakase Pack,” which minimizes drop-off rates for IC chip reading, and functions that reduce screening workloads and prevent fraud in JPKI-based (public key infrastructure) identity verification. Thanks to these efforts, the cumulative number of identity verifications performed through “LIQUID eKYC” has now surpassed 60 million, and verifications utilizing IC chips have exceeded 14 million in total.
Note 1: The Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime, “Comprehensive Measures to Protect the Public from Fraud” (June 18, 2024)
Some of the companies contracting our services
[FinTech] Paidy Inc. (PayPal Holdings, Inc.), pring Inc. (Google International LLC), Rakuten Wallet, Inc., RECRUIT MUFG BUSINESS Co., Ltd.
[Cryptocurrency exchange] Binance Japan, Inc., BitTrade Inc., bitFlyer, Inc., Coincheck, Inc.
[E-Scooter/Bike] Luup Inc., OpenStreet Co., Ltd
[Matching Technology] Omiai, Inc.
[Bank] JAPAN POST BANK Co., Ltd., Resona Bank, Ltd., SBI Sumishin Net Bank, Ltd., SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited, Seven Bank, Ltd.
[Credit Card Issuer] TOYOTA FINANCE CORPORATION, Credit Saison Co., Ltd., JCB Co., Ltd.
[Fashion eCommerce] ZOZO, Inc.
[Telecom] NTT DOCOMO, Inc., KDDI Corporation
[IT] DocuSign Japan
Reference: Key Features of LIQUID eKYC’s IC Reading Methods
LIQUID eKYC not only provides the “IC Omakase Pack,” which minimizes user drop-off rates in IC chip-based identity verification, but also offers the “JPKI+” series, which adds various functionalities to identity verification via Japan Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI). Another distinctive feature is the solution’s applicability to fraud prevention (e.g., phishing) based on the personal information obtained through identity verification.
1.“IC Omakase Pack”: Minimizing Drop-Off Rates in IC Chip-Based Identity Verification
This service provides a comprehensive set of identity verification methods leveraging IC chips in My Number Cards, driver’s licenses, and more. It automatically guides each user toward the reading channel with the lowest drop-off rate. For example, in JPKI-based identity verification, the system automatically detects the user’s smartphone operating system and allows iOS users to complete verification via a web browser, while Android users are directed to use the “LIQUID eKYC” app—thus ensuring an optimal identity verification process for every user.

2) Functions to reduce the man-hours required for identity verification using public personal identification (JPKI)
・Automated confirmation of the name of the person whose name is in kana, which used to require visual confirmation when setting up an account to receive money.
Automated verification of the name of the account holder’s name in Kana characters only against the registered name in Kanji characters only on the My Number Card.
・”JPKI+ (personal number) “function for financial institutions, which enables simultaneous verification of identity and acquisition of personal numbers required for account opening.
・A function that allows users to determine whether or not they have moved out of the country at the time of identity verification.
・A function to check whether a user is a foreign national based on the information on his/her My Number Card.
3) Various methods for public personal identification (JPKI) are provided.
・Public personal authentication application for businesses that require identity verification on a Web browser
・Identity verification method compatible with smartphones equipped with my number card functions

4) Beyond identity verification, the solution can also be expanded to include phishing countermeasures—where one-time passwords alone might fall short—as well as an industry-wide fraud detection framework capable of detecting fraudulent activities that cannot be identified by a single company in isolation.
•“JPKI+ (Appearance)”: This feature captures a user’s facial image during public key infrastructure (JPKI) verification, enabling face recognition to confirm that the same user is present each time the service is used.
・Cross-Industry Fraud Detection Service Using Facial Images: “LIQUID Shield”
This service detects suspicious applications by cross-referencing identity verification data across multiple businesses, identifying cases that may involve fraudulent claims. In public personal authentication, the service enhances fraud prevention when combined with the “JPKI+ (Facial Features)” functionality.

About LIQUID eKYC: No.1 Market Share for Five Consecutive Years※
The service provides online completion of identity verification required for online contracts, account registration, and account opening. We offer a method that takes a picture of an identification document or reads an IC chip and matches it with selfies, as well as a method that utilizes public personal authentication (JPKI / Smartphone JPKI). We can also support age verification for student discounts. Our proprietary AI, biometric, and OCR technologies have enabled us to maintain a low drop-off rate from the start to the end of the photo shooting process, and the cumulative number of identity verification cases has exceeded 50 million.
Web site: https://liquidinc.asia/global/kyc-application/
※ITR “ITR Market View: Identity Access Management / Personal Authentication Type Security Market 2024 eKYC Market: Sales Value Share by Vendor (FY2019-FY2023Forecast)
Liquid aims to create a seamless world where all of the world’s approximately 8 billion people can easily and safely use all services as they are, by automatic and ubiquitous authentication. We provide our own Digital ID, KYC, and Authentication service, where users can prove their identity anytime, anywhere in the world with their smartphone or face. We are expanding our service globally and use the know-how accumulated under the strict Japanese laws and rules. We adapt our operations and services flexibly and quickly to changes in the required legal and security framework.
For more information, visit: https://liquidinc.asia/global/