A world without passwords

Authentication platform designed for UX and security


An authentication service for verifying the user’s identity during registration and across various applications, including online banking, e-commerce, ATMs, online exams, and access control.


No worries about forgetting or leaking passwords.

One action

Natural smartphone interactions such as taking selfies or touch gestures.

Identity theft prevention

Compliance with government and international agency guidelines.


FIDO Authentication

Authentication using face, fingerprint, or PIN code.

Ideal scenarios:

  • When high resistance to impersonation is required.

Examples include binding processes and high-value transactions.

Auth Face

Face recognition with facial image matching during KYC verification.


  • When high resistance to impersonation is required.

Examples include binding processes and high-value transactions.


Face Recognition

Use case

Authentication for high-risk transactions

Performing security-focused user authentication for high-risk transactions based on factors such as transaction amount and connection environment.

Prevention of fraudulent registrations in mobile applications.

Verifying the authenticity of the user during the initial registration (and device change) in a mobile application to prevent fraudulent impersonation and unauthorized linking of smartphones and accounts.

Continuous Customer Relationship Management

Ensure compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) regulations, it is essential to continuously verify that an account opened by a user is not fraudulently transferred to another individual.

Please feel free to contact us at anytime
for further information or assistance.



KYC Application

Liquid provides a comprehensive solution for identity verification that combines document and appearance capture with the highest level of accuracy and judgment.


AI verification dashboard

Liquid provides an AI verification function that automates identity verification operations and a screening dashboard that allows users to access AI screening-based results for reference.


Liquid with the No.1

share in Japan for
five consecutive years can help you!